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Mini Money Frog on Gold Ingots
#42109-3 |
Frog on
Gold Ingots
ChanChu Wealth Frog on Bagua carries a lucky gold coin in his mouth.
This gold resin Money
Frog figurine holds an auspicious
Ruyi Scepter for right choice and a happy life atop gold ingots and coins
on a lucky Bagua base. Feng Shui Masters recommend that he be placed inside the front door facing the living area to direct wealth and prosperity into your home.
2 1/4" L x 2" H x 2 1/4" W
Red Gift Box
4.95 |

10 Chinese Lucky Coins
#CON-002 |
Feng Shui
Chinese Coins
Chinese Coins with a square in the center have been strung with
red cord or ribbon and used as a Feng Shui money cure for centuries.
Placing three to eight strung coins in your purse, taped onto
your check book or hung from an inside door will attract money
and new revenue sources into your household. This set of 10
different lucky Chinese coins is a perfect start to placing
them around the home and changing your luck.
1" W with Square
Click here for more Lucky Coins
3.95 |

Triple Money Frog
Family w/Coins
#FRG-03G |
Triple Luck
Money Frog Family on Wealth Coins
Triple your luck with
a family of three Gold Wealth Frogs, each biting on a coin to
for good fortune and abundance in Feng Shui Lore. They sit on
a treasure pile of gold coins, nuggets and gems. The 3 legged
toad is considered to be a powerful wealth energizer,
it is best placed near
cash registers or in the Wealth Corner which is the far left
corner from the entrance of a home or building.
3 1/2" L x 2 3/4"
H x 2 1/2" W
Red Gift Box
7.95 |

Mama & Baby Money Frog on Mountain of Treasure
#FRG-2BY |
Mama &
Baby Wealth
Frogs on
Mountain of Treasure
Double your luck
with a big mama and little baby Money Frog figurine! Two
Gold Prosperity Frogs each with their own lucky coin to
banish bad Feng Shui and bring good luck to your door. They
sit atop a treasure mountain of gold coins and gold nuggets. Feng Shui Masters recommend
that they be placed inside the front door facing the living area
to direct wealth and prosperity into your home.
3" L x 2 1/4" H
x 2 1/2" W
Red Gift Box
8.95 |

Money Frog on Ingots
#FRG-GP1 |
GP Money Frog on Gold Ingots
This hand painted Gold Wealth
Frog figurine sits on
a gold ingot treasure trove and has ruby eyes with a separate Chinese lucky coin for his mouth.
In Chinese lore, ChanChu the three-legged toad is thought to drive away evil,
protect property and money and increase income. He carries a lucky gold coin in
his mouth. Polyresin Wealth Frog figurine in high gloss
gold plated
3 1/2" L x 3 1/4" W x 2
1/2" H

Money Frog on Bagua
#FRG-GP2 |
GP Prosperity
Frog on Bagua
Hand painted Gold Money Frog
on Bagua is shown biting on a lucky coin to signify tremendous good fortune
and prosperity in Feng Shui lore. Feng Shui Masters recommend
that he be placed inside the front door facing the living area
to direct wealth and prosperity into your home. Polyresin
Prosperity Frog figurine on Bagua with lucky coin included
in high gloss
gold plated
3" L x 3"
W x 2 1/4" H
10.95 |


Prosperity ChanChu Frog
#FRG-009 |
Prosperity Frog
on Coins
In Chinese lore, ChanChu
the three-legged frog is thought to drive away evil, protect
goods and money, and increase income. He carries a lucky gold
coin in his mouth. Feng Shui Masters recommend that he be placed
inside the front door facing the living area to direct wealth
and prosperity into your home. Hong Tse stone resin sculpture
with a highly polished Rosewood finish.
Red Gift Box
4 1/2" L
x 3" H x 3 1/2" W
12.95 |


Gold Money Frog
Figurine & 10 Lucky Coins
#FRG-06G |
X-Large 5"
Gold Wealth Frog
with Lucky Coin Tassels
Unusual extra large Money
Frog figurine with red and green jewel crystal accents has
2 sets of removable 5 Lucky Coins tied with red silk tassels
which can be hung separately elsewhere. The Wealth frog biting on a coin signifies tremendous
good fortune and prosperity in Feng Shui lore. Feng Shui Masters
recommend that he be placed inside the front door facing the
living area to direct wealth and prosperity into your home.
Red Gift Box
5" L x 4"
W x 3" H Frog
8" L x 7/8" W - Coin Tassels
15.95 |


Large Green Money Frog on Mountain of Treasure
#FRG-04JD |
Jade Green Wealth Frog on Mountain of Treasure
The large faux Jade
Money Frog is shown biting on a coin to signify tremendous good
fortune and prosperity in Feng Shui. He has the traditional
ruby crystal eyes with ruby crystals scattered on his back.
This 3 legged toad or ChanChu is atop a mountain of gold
coins. Feng Shui Masters recommend that he be placed inside
the front door facing the living area to direct wealth and prosperity
into your home.
4 1/4" L
x 3 3/4" W x 3" H
Red Gift Box
16.95 |

X-Large Money Frog on Mountain of Treasure
#FRG-05G |
X-Large 5" Gold Money Frog on
Mountain of Treasure
The 5" wide Money Frog with ruby
crystal accents is shown biting on a coin to signify tremendous good fortune and prosperity in Feng Shui
Lore. This 3 legged toad or ChanChu is atop a mountain of gold coins and ingots. Feng Shui Masters recommend that he be placed inside the front door facing the living area to direct wealth and prosperity into your home.
5" L x 4" H x 4" W
18.95 |

Money Frogs Ball Set
Antique Gold
Money Frogs
Crystal Ball Set
Antique gold ChanChu Money Frogs sphere stand with a clear 50mm
or 2" crystal ball. The three ChanChu Frogs have a separate
Chinese Lucky coin in their mouths and stand on an embossed
decorated base which support an unattached perfectly clear optically
pure round crystal ball. This is a great Feng Shui wealth cure!!
Red Gift Box
4" H x 4" W
19.95 |

HUGE Prosperity
Frog Statue!

Huge 13" L Money Frog on Mountain of Treasure
#FRG-13 |
Huge 13" L
Wealth Frog on
Mountain of Treasure
A larger than life
huge 13" H Money Frog with red crystal eyes, is not only biting
on a brass coin to signify tremendous good fortune and prosperity,
he also carries strings of of coins on each side of his back.
This classic ChanChu frog sits atop a mountain of gold coins
and ingots. Feng Shui Masters recommend that he be placed inside
the front door facing the living area to direct wealth and prosperity
into your home.
13" L x 10 1/4"
W x 9" H
Click on Image for larger
89.95 |

Large Money Frog & Elephant on Mountain of Treasure
Money Frog
& Elephant on
Gold Treasure
Large Money Frog with ruby
crystal eyes and separate lucky coin sits atop a ceremonial elephant on a
mountain of gold and treasure. This attractive Feng Shui
figurine combines the the good luck and prosperity symbol of
the wealth frog with the familial happiness and loyalty of
the elephant. Suitable to place in a family or business area
to increase contentment and abundance according to Feng Shui
6" L x 5" H x 3" W
19.95 |

Money Frog w/Coin on Treasure Bagua
#FRG-01G |
Wealth Frog
with Large Lucky Coin on Treasure Bagua
A Gold Money Frog shows
off a lucky gold coin too big for his mouth!! He sits atop a
mountain of gold coins nuggets and gems on a Feng Shui Bagua
base. Place
him in your wealth bowl or your prosperity corner
(the far left corner from
the entrance of a home or building).
2 1/4" W x 2" H
Red Gift Box
4.95 |

Gold Plated Money Frog
#7258 |
Gold Plated
Wealth Frog on Coins
Gorgeous, Chan Chu Lucky Frog gold plated figurine has
colorful hand painted accents.
Chan Chu, the mythical Chinese
money frog is said to be seen at the full moon around homes
whose time it is to receive blessings and abundance.
He sits
on ancient Chinese coins with a lucky Chinese coin in his mouth
atop a faux wood pedestal.
1/4" L x 1 3/4" H x 2 3/4" W
10.95 |